Pauline's Dancer's Gig Guide     

Ph 0410 291 173 | E:


The gig guide is in PDF format (the best way to have it so everyone can view it the same.) You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download it and install it for free. If you have previously been able to open the gig guide, and  find you can't, try uploading and installing the latest version of Adobe.  

Since I've changed to the new website, some people have told me that they can't get in as the link doesn't work any more. The old link won't work, and they need to click on the internet search engine (e.g. Firefox or Internet Explorer (I.E.), and then in the top search line, type Then click on the main heading, not one of the sub-headings on the google page, and they should be able to get in.

For those who aren't very computer literate, here are the step by step instructions:

Highlight the following:

Go to Edit up the top, copy,

Go to the top of the page, where it has the address bar that starts: http://

Highlight the address that's already in there, delete that, and go edit, paste. Return.

That should take you to my website. Go to Bookmarks: Bookmark this page.

(Next time you want to find my website just go to Bookmarks, find the link that you just saved and click on that, easy peasy.)

Now for the gig guide.

Click on the Gig Guide page,

Click on the monthy you want to open.

That will download to a file on your computer. You can open it (or save file). Save it to your desktop (right click, save to desktop) or My Documents (File/Save/My Documents/Save As: (and name it).  Now you have saved it, you can refer back to that whenever you like. Click on the index page on page 2, or scroll through it till you find what you want.

Remember though, that we are adding updates to this all the time... usually in the last two weeks of the month it's every day or two as we get more gigs in or research venues websites. So it would pay every week or couple of weeks, to go back to the website and update the latest copy of the gig guide.

While you have the website open, check out the other pages too - you might find something there that interests you, that might not be in the gig guide.

It sometimes happens that when people click on the same link (previously used) to open the website, they won't get the updated information, and they will need to refresh their page. You can do this on an Apple computer by holding down he Command key and pressing R (for Refresh), or on any other computer, you hold down the Control Key and press R (for Refresh). It pays to open a new link, or type the web address in fresh each time, or once a week, as the gig guide is updated mostly on a daily basis, or at least 4-5 times a week.

If you have trouble following the above instructions, give me a call and I’ll talk you through it. 


NOTE: The current month's gig guide also lists ALL of the DANCE CLASSES after the end of the month, then the listing of BANDS and VENUES and their contact details and links where supplied.


(click on each one to download)


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APRIL 2025

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